Thursday, November 4, 2010

Being Thankful

I have been terrible about blogging lately and even worse at commenting on the blogs I am reading! Forgive me! Life has been up and down lately and at this moment I am SO THANKFUL that things seem rather calm. Praise God!

If you get my Thirty-One Gifts newsletter, you will have noticed that their are 31 Reasons that we as consultants are thankful to be a 31 consultant. If you haven't read the is such an inspiring peace of how the company is changing our here to go to the newsletter.

I thought I would give you all 10 things I am thankful no particular this moment...

1. A warm home to come home to each night.
2. A loving husband who is my best friend.
3. A family that is AMAZING - I don't know what I would do without my, step-son, parents and siblings, spouses and niece and nephew. I love you guys!
4. Two jobs that I love
5. My friends - both those that I know in person ..near and far...and those I know from online. What would I do without you all!?
6. My Puggle - Bella - she is always eager to greet me or sit on my lap and snuggle.
7. Clothes to wear
8. PLENTY of food to eat
9. My church and church family - I am becoming more active all the time. I am assisting with Sunday school class for 3rd-5th graders, serving communion every other month and am now on the Leadership Committee for church. Thank you God for leading me there.
10. Living in a free country - where I can read my bible and pray daily wherever and whenever I want.

I don't want to celebrate Thanksgiving just one day of the year........I am feeling very Thankful and Blessed today...

2 Timothy 1:3
... I thank God for you—the God I serve with a clear conscience, just as my ancestors did. Night and day I constantly remember you in my prayers.

1 comment:

abby said...

Love it Auntie D! I miss you my friend and pray you are well! xo